Moreover, for many of these countries, the valuable timber and other resources found in the rainforests are also a very important source of foreign exchange, which they badly need to pay off their foreign debts and purchase foreign equipment and other goods. 况且,对这些国家中的有些国家来说,热带雨林中的珍贵木材和其他资源也是他们所急需换取外汇的很重要的资源,以便用来偿还外债和用来购买外国的设备和其他物资。
Distinguished raiders and prominent women were often laid to rest in ships, surrounded by weapons, valuable goods and sometimes even sacrificed slaves. 优秀的战士和杰出的女性常常在武器、珍贵的货物,甚至是陪葬奴隶的围绕下,安息于船中。
Any benefits received by you or your spouse other than in cash ( e.g.shares, share options and valuable goods). 阁下或配偶获得的任何非现金利益(例如:股票、换股证及贵重物品)。
The following part of the original manual is very valuable which gives a clear figure to various of wares, updates, equipments and goods. 原手册中接下来的部分很有价值,为各种物品、装备和货物等给出了一个清晰的轮廓。
They create valuable trade surpluses for neighbouring countries by importing intermediate goods, and create jobs in developed countries by buying capital goods and services. 通过进口半成品,它们为邻国创造了宝贵的贸易顺差;而它们购买资本商品和服务的举动,为发达国家创造了就业机会。
They discovered various chattels and valuable goods in the abandoned house. 他们在这个被废弃的房子里发现了各种各样的私人财产和值钱的物品。
Natural ecosystems provide many economically valuable goods and services such as water, plant ingredients for medicines, and defences against natural disasters. 自然生态系统提供了很多在经济上有价值的物品和服务,诸如水、植物药用成分和对自然灾害的防范。
The employer or the Engineer shall not accept the cash, gifts and other valuable goods under any name or by any means. 不以任何形式或名义向业主、监理等赠送礼金、礼品和其它物品。
"Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of repuability to the gentleman of leisure"( Thorstein Veblen). “对贵重物品引人注目的消费是享乐绅士们的声誉”(托斯丁·韦布伦)。
Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure. 引人注目地挥霍贵重财物是有闲绅士取得名声的手段。
Knowledge and information are becoming the most valuable assets to a company while raw goods are becoming less and less valuable. 知识和信息正公司最有价值的资产,而原材料商品的价值越来越低。
While a certain amount of novelty can certainly be valuable, there are other goods – simplicity, contentment and the savouring of small everyday pleasures. 当然,一定程度的新奇感会是有价值的,但生活中还有别的美好事物&简单、满足感、对日常小乐趣的玩味。
A valuable and fundamental theory for the process of soybean goods and utilization of bean curd waste water is also provided. 分析结果为豆制品加工工艺的改进及开发利用废弃的黄浆水残液,提供了有价值的依据。
There will always be valuable goods you can buy with these currencies and the relevant governments will not mess you around. 你总是可以用这些货币购买贵重商品,相关政府不会找你麻烦。
KEYNOTE SPEECH No longer a dream Silk was a valuable goods instead of currency in the international trade. 绢帛在国际贸易中不再是货币,而是重要的商品。
For the storage room with many valuable goods which need a strict circumstance, the inspection system is necessary. 对于一些储存物资价值大、危害重、对环境要求严格的一些军用和民用仓库,建立远程环境监测与安全防护系统是十分必要的。
The object of the crime of forcible seizure must be valuable goods. 抢夺罪对象应该是具有价值的物品;
The algorithm for VRP is very valuable in the respects of dispatching large quantity goods and assignment tasks for labors. VRP在大规模物资调运、劳务人员的任务分配等方面具有重要的使用价值。
When the perpetrator used deception not only to raise financing to raise money while other valuable goods, while the perpetrator can not come to constitute a fund-raising fraud and general fraud findings, but should be a crime to be punished for financial fraud. 当行为人使用集资诈骗手段不仅募集货币同时募集到其它有价商品时,不能得出行为人同时构成集资诈骗罪与普通诈骗罪的结论,而应当以集资诈骗罪一罪论处。
The purpose of this study is providing meaningful information to the sporting goods chain enterprises in China; also provide valuable reference for sporting goods manufacturers how to chose retail terminals and agents. 本研究旨在为我国体育用品连锁经营企业制定发展策略提供有意义的参考,同时也为体育用品生产企业选择代理商和零售终端提供有价值的参考依据。
Following the fundamental principles of public economics, viewing non-rival and non-exclusive as the standard for classification and taking the concept of externality as the linking point, valuable goods in society can be divided into private goods, public goods and mixed goods three kinds. 借用公共经济学基本原理,以非竞争性和非排他性作为划分标准,并以外部性概念作为连接点,现实经济社会中各种有价值的财货可以划分为私人物品、公共物品和混合物品三大类别。
It is a marketing goal of the commercial health club to create the valuable experience, intangible goods and service and the spiritual needs and the loyal drive of the customers. It embodies the optimized service of the commercial health club. 创造有价值的体验是商业健身俱乐部的营销目标,它既是一种无形商品和服务,又是顾客对健身的精神要求和忠诚内驱,是商业健身俱乐部服务优化的体现。
A lot of valuable information is hidden in these mass RFID path data, and only by path data mining we can find these RFID frequent paths so as to help users understand goods 'circulating regular patterns and movement trends and provide decision support for the users. 这些海量的RFID路径数据蕴含着很多具有商业价值的信息,利用数据挖掘技术,找出供应链中物品出现频率较高的路径,帮助用户了解物品的移动规律和趋势,为上层决策提供有力支持。